Saturday, 21 May 2011

Hair testing 02

Yes, i finally got the nCloth working on hair when i bined joints with the mesh (body+hair), the following are two hair tests with a little spin and bend down from the model:

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Template of the set

Today we got around to making the set template. This will change over time but there is to scale so we can work on different elements as we are continueing to work on the project.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Hair testing

Been thinking to have maya hair or polygon hair for the character, firstly i tried to use a hair script called GMT hair script to come up something like the following, but not successfully applied with dynamics:

But then I decided to go for another method to have polygon hair with applying nCloth on them, see the testing clip below:

Sculpting in Zbrush - dress experimenting

 Leaf-like ear sculpted

Dress bump mapped in Maya for expreiment

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Branco in progress

This is my first time modelling bare feet and fingernails, but thank God that they turned out pretty good i suppose. Thanks steve for adjusting the proportion of the character for me, it looks much better, and Im now making the one-piece dress, but still need some time to finish~